The first step to becoming a homeowner is getting your finances in order. While home loans can finance up to 80 percent of the property value, the remaining 20 percent will have to come from your savings. For more insights, read Top Tips to Apply for a Home Loan to learn how to get your loan approved quickly. However, keeping a check on your expenses can be complicated. In this rapidly advancing world, people do not have the time or the will to hire finance managers. That’s why personal financial apps are here to save the day! With the help of financial apps, you can manage your income wisely and turn your dream of buying a home into a reality. Following are some of the best finance apps that can be your ultimate financial companion.
Money View
One of the best financial apps catering to the Indian audience is Money View. It offers an overview of your personal finances and neatly categorises your expenses without having to manually enter the information. A striking feature of this app is their SMS- tracking technology. It automatically taps into the SMS sent from banks and accounts all the debit/credit transactions in the app. This app also sets budget plans according to your income, putting you on your way to becoming financially fit. Budget plans ensure that you spend wisely and save big eventually.
Available on: Android
It’s important to manage money responsibly and Wally enables you to do just that. Its seamless money management system is easily comprehensible to everyone. Keeping in mind the user’s privacy, the app does not record any sensitive information without the user’s consent. The app is globally renowned for its efficiency and is available in every currency- right from the American dollar to the Indian rupee. Wally uses your income, expenses and your savings goal to give you a ‘spendable amount’ similar to an allowance. This way, it ensures that you don’t spend money in a haphazard manner.
Available on: Android and iOS
mTrakr Money Manager
A one-stop shop for all your financial troubles,mTrakr is an easy to use app that provides great insights into your personal finances. Even a layman with no financial background can easily wade through it. It’s recommended by the top bankers and chartered accountants in the country. Put your excel sheets, pen and papers to rest because this app does everything for you. It helps in tracking your expenses, identifying the areas where you’re over-spending and categorising your bills into domains like shopping, food and travel. You can manage multiple accounts with this app.
Available on: Android and iOS
This one app has multiple functions and simplifies your life immensely. Walnut is a personal expense manager that tracks your daily spending, bank accounts, credit and debit card transactions. It also gives you smart insights and informative infographics about your expenses. Without having to scroll through the dozens of SMS from banks and merchants, this app processes these messages and categorises into areas of spending. This app helps you control your spending which translates into increased savings.
Available on: Android and iOS
We have covered apps that track your spending and set budget plans for you but ETMoney works a bit differently. It helps you identify top-performing stocks and invest in them. You can use it to grow the idle money in your account and increase your savings multifold.
Besides helping in the investment of money, it also keeps a tab on your expenses and suggests areas where you could reduce spending in. ETMoney enables you to save better by spending smarter and also gives exclusive credit card offers.
Available on: Android and iOS
With the help of these financial apps, start saving today and accomplish your goal of investing in a home. Lancor Homes comes with superior specification and high quality construction making them a perfect investment option for you and your family.