Those who buy houses or plots need to look into its encumbrance certificate (also known as EC) to know the previous transactions. The Encumbrance Certificate reveals all the transactions pertaining to the property, be it genuine or otherwise. But, most of us gets a doubt on whether we should look into the EC at all or not as the transaction has gotten over and the property havecome to our hands.
People who buy a property, apart from looking into the property documents, rely on the Encumbrance Certificate to look into how the transactions have been recorded in the EC. Post purchase, they look into it years after, only when they are planning it to sell it off or at the time of approaching a bank for loans.
Until recently, sub registrar offices took the responsibility of indexing the following information like the details of the survey number, village, door no., street name, seller, buyer, value of the transaction, nature of document, extent of land / building, earlier documents of the property, and remarks of the concerned registrar. Now it has become the duty of the applicants to do this indexing, before the documents are presented for registration.
Online registration of property documents have been in vogue for the last few years. In this online registration, while registering a document, the details of the property, the executant, the claimant, etc. are indexed properly. These details which are fed by the applicants, during indexing the registration process, which eventually gets reflected in the EC post registration of such deeds.
In today’s scenario, those who are buying a property can themselves apply through online. But still most of them prefer seeking the help, guidance of document writers offline, inview of cumbersome procedures. Since these document writers go through innumerable number of property documents every day, they tend to make mistakes while indexing the property details of each party. The applicants must be careful of ensuring such mistakes don’t happen.
By resorting to the online property document registration, the applicants must submit all their relevant, required factual information. Only if the applicants are going to be mindful of this procedure, they will be able to ensure they get the necessary Encumbrance Certificate without any mistakes in it, going forward. Since the Sub-Registrars will not verify the details indexed by the applicants using the online software, the applicants must be doubly careful while feeding the details. Thus, Sub-registrars are of the view that if the details in the property document and in the details indexed in the online registration portal are going to be accurate, the applicants can prevent a lot of complications. To know more about our projects in chennai please call us @ +91 8144787405. We are ready to stretch our arm and support you!
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